Mobile Fact and Concept Training System (MoFaCTS)

Developers (reverse chronological)


  • Current
    • Rusty Haner, Institute for Intelligent Systems Developer
    • Rhodes White,  Institute for Intelligent Systems Developer
  • Previous
    • Andrew Tackett, Institute for Intelligent Systems Senior Developer
    • Craig Kelly, Institute for Intelligent Systems Senior Developer
    • Nicholas Gordon, Justin Hiller, and Edward Prins, III, Undergraduate Capstone Computer Science Course Project Team - Student and teacher reporting module
    • Wes Carter, James Antoine, Ian Burns, Kenneth Brown, and Andrew DiMotta, Undergraduate Capstone Computer Science Course Project Team - Initial Meteor application framework


  • Karlos Abel, Optimal Learning Lab Developer
  • Genc Doko, Optimal Learning LabDeveloper
  • Lili Wu, Optimal Learning LabDeveloper
  • Giancarlo Dozzi, Optimal Learning LabDeveloper